Middle School
Grading Rubric
Level of Participation/Contribution
- Performs at a consistently high level during rehearsals
- Listens to and follows directions
- Is able to sing part with confidence
- Comes to class prepared with music and pencil
- Contributes positively to the group
- Participates in all activities
- Is attentive
- Demonstrates vocal leadership
- Does not require additional instruction to remain on task
- Follows class rules and guidelines
- Performs at a high level during rehearsals but lacks consistency
- Usually listens to and follows directions
- Is able to sing part independently
- Usually comes to class with music and pencil
- Usually contributes positively to the group
- Participates in most activities
- Usually attentive
- Shows potential for vocal leadership
- Occasionally requires additional to remain on task
- Usually follows class rules and guidelines
- Performs at an average level during rehearsals
- Inconsistent in listening and following directions
- Is able to sing part but relies on others
- Inconsistent in being prepared for class
- Behavior occasionally disrupts the learning process
- Is often distracted
- Frequently requires additional instruction to remain on task
- Inconsistent in following rules and guidelines
- Is unable to sing individual part
- Unprepared for class and chooses to ignore directions
- Does not participate/sing
- Behavior disrupts the learning process for self and others
- Consistently requires additional instruction to remain on task
- Ignores class rules and guidelines